

The members of Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00, and would be pleased to welcome you.   

Worship includes several hymns, a spoken and sung order of worship, readings from the Bible, a sermon, and prayers,  We also celebrate Holy Communion (a sacred meal in which all Baptised Christians may participate).

We're located at 57 Westpark Blvd in Dollard-des-Ormeaux, at the corner of Anselme-Lavigne. 

Worship with us during the Season of Lent

The church season of Lent is a time of recalling or preparing for Baptism.
The word "Lent" comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning "springtime." It is a time for preparation, planting, and growth. While some people "give up" something for Lent. You might also take on a new practice during Lent. For either, the focus is to support your spiritual growth.

(Sunday services are Live streamed)

Wed. Mar 26 Wednesday Mid-week Lenten Worship & Study 7:30 at St. Barnabas

Sun. Mar 30 Worship – Lent 4 10:00 am
Wed. Apr 2 Wednesday Mid-week Lenten Worship & Study 7:30 at Christ the Redeemer

Sun. April 6 Worship – Lent 5 10:00 am (with Sunday School)
Wed. April 9 Wednesday Mid-week Lenten Worship & Study 7:30 at St. Barnabas

Worship with us during Holy Week

Holy Week is the most important time in the life of the Church. Together we participate in Jesus the Christ's entry into Jerusalem and the events that follow: the last supper, the betrayal by his followers, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. During Holy Week we celebrate the great mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

(Sunday services are Live streamed)

Sun. April 16 Palm Sunday 10:00 am

Thurs. April 17 Maundy Thursday at 7:30pm at St. Barnabas Anglican Church

Fri. April 18 Good Friday
Walk of Faith at 8:45 am Gather at Église catholique Saint-Luc
We join other churches in prayer, readings and procession through the community
Good Friday Worship: 7:30 pm at Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church

Sat. April 19 Easter Vigil at 7:30 pm at Christ the Redeemer

Sun. April 20 Easter Sunday
Easter Breakfast 9:00 am
Easter Worship 11:00 am

Contact Us

The office telephone number is 514-684-1014.  

The preferred e-mail, to reach the pastor is ctrpastor@videotron.ca

Click here to locate us on Google Maps


Pastor Jim Slack has retired as of December 31, 2024.

Pastor Jonathan Schmidt began his ministry with us on February 3, 2025.